Tami Chin Mitchell is one of those gal pals that gives it to you straight up with love. Here’s one of the numerous reasons why she rocks: her effervescent spirit and sage wisdom inspire other women to be a whole lot kinder to themselves.

As a wife, mother, business owner, podcaster, and social media influencer — she does all the things. In a world where one has to confine themselves to singular labels, this creative Jamaican entrepreneuress challenges the status quo by accepting all her gifts and uses them to design a complete life.

Here are some things we talk about:

  • Tami’s journey and what it was like growing up in a creative family
  • Why being vulnerable and encouraging other women is important
  • How she accepts being OK to do all the things
  • Striving to achieve harmony: Why the word ‘balance’ pisses her off
  • Why being authentic online and showing the ‘mess’ is powerful
  • Keeping it 100 on the Tami Tackles Everything podcast
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